WASET Conference is a FAKE

This post is intended for all researchers that want or thinking of attending the Montreal 2014 Conference organized by WASET (that is theoretically supposed to occur at the Ritz-Carlton Montreal hotel) AND to all who wish to attend future conferences held by WASET, please read below:

I submitted my abstract February 7 2014 and selected the option to have an oral presentation rather than a poster. March 6 I receive an email informing me that my paper was accepted (although they did not properly copy and paste the title of my paper) anyway, you can check the official acceptance paper.

Since the topic of my paper is on wind turbine blade optimization, I believed that by the name of the chosen conference ICSREE 2014: International Conference on Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering, researchers in this domain from around the world will be gathered with interesting papers and presentations.... Well, judge yourself, take a look at the Conference Program.  In fact, what I noticed that there is no conference in that name, and what you will find is 4 pages
of sub-names for conferences held in Montreal, under different names. In reality, there are no separate conferences but only one, with one Conference Program gathering presentations from every possible major you can think of !!

What is the most shocking is that, several reports of spam were reported by previous attendees of conferences organized by WASET, one of them reported that once he made the money transfer to the bank (by the way you cannot pay by credit card, and have to make a money transfer to a country outside Canada), this person never received a response... basically his money was stolen. Another person reported that approaching the day of the conference thinking that it will be held in a particular hotel, he was shocked to hear that the conference has been transferred to another venue. Fortunately for me I have not made any payment or yet any hotel reservations, but these reports were frightening me and so I took the initiative to call hotel that the WASET Montreal 2014 website indicated as their venue, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. I spook with the meeting and special events manager and she clearly stated, there is no conference reserved on the 12 and 13 of May 2014. She requested that I give her all the information regarding this conference and I forwarded the flyer, website and all the letters that I received, and I am happy to report to you her answer:  

Monsieur Chehouri,

Je viens de prendre connaissance que le site waset et un "scam".
Tel que mentionné nous n'avions riend de réservé pour ce type d'événement dans notre hotel 
Encore une fois, merci de ces informations précieuses

Au plaisir,  

This post is intended In other words, the site is a SPAM. This information comes from a reliable source, most probably the IT department of the hotel.

So please if you've submitted your paper to this conference (Montreal 2014 May 12, 14) under any conference name or subject, consider reviewing your decision. And if you are considering to attend a WASET conference in the future, please note that I have no intention of attacking any party or organizing committee, but as a researcher and a first year PhD student I know that hard work goes into writing a paper ad no one wants their work wasted in the end. Lastly, I would like to share with you this number 17 847. That is the number of paper that have been published from previous conference since January 2007. Now if my math is correct, that in more than 400 papers per conference assuming one conference per month since January 2007. This shows you the level of paper reviewing and its credibility (if there is any !!!).  

What is your experience with WASET and what are your comments? Please SHARE this increase the awareness concerning this fraud. 


Due to the number of comment I am receiving in regards on this post, and the experiences that past participants shared with me in regards to WASET, I would like to add the following. 

During February and March, the WASET conference listed the Ritz-Carlton as their venue and this was the flyer they posted. 

Recently I visited their website only to realize that the conference venue has been changed. the new hotel is the Best Western Hotel. I made contact with this hotel to warn them but did not receive any response. 


  1. Thanks for publishing this Adam, the more people who bring this up the better. Here is a link to our blog on the matter, if anyone is interested in reading more stories:

    1. Your welcome Amanda, I hope that this message is widely spread in order to prevent conference scams. Before publishing my post I had looked up on google other reports of WASET conference and read your blog post :)

    2. Dear Adam,

      I came across your blog. Hiee I am from India and I am also a PhD scholar. I have few queries to ask from you. How do you get to know this WASET conferences are fake?

    3. Dear Unknown, just read it yourself

  2. If some of the links are giving "page not found", most probably because I withdrew my paper from the Montreal waset conference.

    1. Thank you so much for this post.
      I submitted my paper and got accepted for a conference in Amsterdam. http://www.waset.org/conference/2014/08/amsterdam/ICHFE/
      Reading your post, I should definitely withdraw my paper. In my account page I couldn't find a way to withdraw, would you tell me how to withdraw (how you withdrew), please?


    2. Do not expect such a thing. They immediately will delete all traces of your article. They have used to manipulate everything in WASET website for years ; they have changed contents of FAKE conferences - journals whenever they wanted (after months - years) : deleted - added some articles , deleted - added some journals , transferred some articles from a FAKE comference - journal to another FAKE conference - journal. Numbers of journals in WASET website have changed between 30 .. 200.

    3. Okay, thank you!

    4. Sorry for the late reply...
      When I found out that the conference is a fraud, I sent an email threw my account. In fact they don`t give you an email address that you can make contact with. This is another proof that the conferences are not serious, with no credibility...
      In your profile, there should be "Messages" just before the "Password" at the top section of the page. In the Message section, you can ask them to withdraw your paper from the conference (tell them for example you are unable to attend the conference anymore). They should respond in 1-2 business days.

  3. I have seen this
    I wonder if it is reall?

    1. Well, as for the referred blog post I cannot indicate to you it's credibility, may be the owner can respond to you in private conversation. However, I would advise you to take into account that fake conferences and spams do exist and the best thing is to take awareness before submitting a paper to a journal or conference.

    2. A typical example of fraudsters' attacks against who reveals them.

      "Note: The name "Nicola Bellomo" has been used by someone who posted, in a blog, an article where a person is offended. The International Internet Police and the Dean of the Politecnico of Torino have been informed to inquire about a possible case of identity fraud."

      says Nicola Bellomo
      Professor of Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics
      Politecnico di Torino - Italy
      Department of Mathematical Sciences
      * http://staff.polito.it/nicola.bellomo/

    3. Yes, they will fight back... I am not afraid of their reaction, I know they might react for my blog post. On the other hand, I see how much my post has already made an impact on researchers to aware them from this fraud and so this gives me great satisfaction knowing I made a difference :)

  4. This link came across while surfing the web on fake WASET conference. Take a look at the comments that were made in the post, it could be very helpful https://plus.google.com/111668260744154762636/posts/QvKNSetQw4M

    1. Dear ADAM CHEHOURI i need your advises: yesterday after reading your blog and others i send to WASET "please delete my profile ASAP as you are not reachable by phone and maybe a sophisticated fraud" 2020-12-22 14:16:00. Admin replied:
      Greetings! We are not sure what you mean by “sophisticated fraud ”. It is a legal offense to provide false or misleading information without any legal evidence. You have to provide official evidence (like a court order) for your slander. Please send us an official evidence to support your claim within 1 day. Otherwise, we will take a legal action against you and your institution for your unfair accusation. 2020-12-22 15:51:00

      Then, I replied "Shameless threats are typical for fraudulent companies. I'm sad for the level of your "communication skills".

      There are an Action Fraud in the UK against you and you DARE being unrude.
      “The website in question, waset.org, appears to be fake, although very elaborate in nature. The scam targets academics internationally, gathering papers, fees, registration information, and potentially other personal information.”
      Source: University of Toronto

      I asked you yesterday to confirm you deleted my profile but you didn't as you are an unfair group. Confirm it NOW rather than ridiculous threatens. Thank you."

      How can i now delete my PROFILE as that refused and provocate me?

  5. Dear Amanda & Adam, Im a researcher from Pakistan, I recently got to know about the WASET conferences being a scam, i had submitted my abstract and as predicted got accepted in no time!!!
    Now, i have filed my visa, and its just too late. I have not yet paid for the conference registration fee. I have filed a visa stating I have a conference to attend.

    I would love to hear more from you guys, and do let me know how I can get out of this now. Since, the WASET org is a scam. What should I do now?

    1. you are still safe..as u have just submited the abstract....Now stop all the process right away.

  6. PS. The conference is 5-6 June in New York

    1. Greetings Mr Muzaffar Baas :) No need to panic, I would suggest that you retreive your paper as soon as possible from the conference. Send them an email explaining to them that you are not able to attend the conference and wish to cancel your attendance. They should remove your presentation/paper, like that you are allowed to submit it somewhere else (in an actual conference !!!). As for the VISA, the best advise I have is to call the embassy and advise them about the issue, they know best :)

    2. Dear Adam. I am a tunisian Phd researcher. I have received a letter of acceptance from WASET to present my paper in ICFA conference to be held in New York 5-6 juin 2014. I recently got to know about WASET conference as a scam. unfortunately i have sbmitted my full paper accordingly to acof template andI have paid the registration Fees (350 Euro) but I don't receive a registration confirmation. I need your advice.

    3. Good day, Unfortunately because you made the payment, I do not know if you will get it back, but I suggest that you make immediate contact with whatever email account they are contacting you with and ask them to immediately cancel your registration and ask for a refund. But from their reputation, I would be surprised if they do so.
      But what is important, more than money is your paper. This is your work and results so you do not want it to go to waste. I suggest that you ask to retrieve your paper from the conference proceeding, so you have the chance to resubmit it to another conference or journal with actual value. If you need any more help, I would be glad to do so, you have my contact information in my About Me page. Good luck :)

    4. Hi
      Even I came across this scam just now. I submitted my paper but didn't pay the 400 euros. Please let me know what should I do now? conference is in San Francisco on 7th June 2017. And how to retrieve the paper?

  7. Dear Adam
    I submitted my full paper to this WASET and paid the fee. I wanted to book a room in the hotel which is also the venue of their conference in copenhagen. Surprisingly , this is the reply of conference department of the hotel :this conference is not booked here at Scandic Front. their venue is fake.

    1. It is unfortunate to hear this because the exact same situation happened to me for the Montreal Conference however I was cautious and called the venue that was listed on the flyer before making any payment to the conference or hotel reservations. In fact, let me tell you what I noticed lately. During February and March, the conference flyer listed a venue in Montreal (Ritz-Carlton Hotel). I made contact with this hotel and found out that the whole thing was fraud. If you look at the conference flyer at this moment, you will find that the venue changed to another place (Best Western Plus). May be the change was made after they received a warning. Take a look at the update I am going to make to the post.
      Unfortunately, you made a payment, hopefully you won't make the mistake with future conferences and this post will prevent future participants from waset conferences.

    2. dear Adam
      Thanks for your reply.
      you know that there is no email address there. their message system does not respond me anymore. I should have checked everything before submitting full paper and paying the fee. The danish embassy asked me to write the organizer of the conference in Copenhagen and did not accept this address:
      World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Al-Jazeera Al-Hamra, Ras Al Khaimah, 31291, United Arab Emirates Contact Us @:Tel:++971559099620
      I asked them several times and after receiving no reply, I contacted the venue. and there I found it is all fake.
      I asked for a refund and cancellation. do you think I can take my money back?

    3. Well if your asking me in regards to your hotel reservation, depending on their policy, you might be charged with a cancellation fee. However for the conference, I doubt that they will even respond to your emails and unfortunately will not get your money back. This said, I support your case and you should report the issue as fraud/spam to your bank institution and maybe this will help put an end to this felony and thievery.

  8. Story of FAKE organisation WASET and its onwer : fraudster Ardil family from Turkey : FAKE Dr/PhD Cemal Ardil and his daughter Ebru Ardil and his son Bora Ardil (2003 - ....) :
    * http://copy-shake-paste.blogspot.com/2012/06/turkish-mock-conferences.html

    FAKE Dr/PhD Cemal Ardil : phd student - Istanbul Aydin University (business administration (2013 - ....))
    Ebru Ardil : phd student - Fatih University (biotechnology (2010 - ....))
    Bora Ardil : phd student - Okan University (computer engineering (2013 - ....))

    They use lots of FAKE names !

    Their photos are available in internet.
    If you meet them, compare the names they use with their real names.

    FAKE organisation WASET is only this fraudster family, no one else.

    All works are done by only them : mail correspondences, running the web site, FAKE conference organisations, etc.
    All mails from FAKE organisation WASET are written by them with lots of fake names.

    Locations of some of their bank accounts : Dubai, Rome, Venice, Paris.

    They use FAKE ISSNs - ISBNs for FAKE WASET journals.
    Tens of ISSNs of FAKE WASET journals were canceled by Internaional ISSN Center (France).

    1. It is unfortunate to hear this fake WASET organisations continues its fraud. Thank you for your comment :)

    2. I have submitted my abstract in WASET conference and suddenly I got to know that the conference is Fake, I asked them to remove my abstract before decision but they have not removed my email and said you email is no longer use for us. Now I want to remove my abstract from WASET website, how can I remove that

  9. Money paid for 17847 articles is roughly 9 million euro, out of records.
    Around 1.000 of them are of Turkish academics ; most of them have been sent to him
    after Canakkale University (Turkey) fired him (Feb 2004) due to fraud
    just after 1.5 years he started to work in a university ,
    without any academic and engineering qualifications - background ,
    since he is a secondary school teacher,

    FAKE Dr/PhD Cemal Ardil sometimes introduces himself as if he were from Azerbaijan, and
    had a PhD from National Academy of Aviation (Baku - Azerbaijan) ; Azerbaijan is 1 o a few countres
    he had never been.
    But WASET has lots of clients from Azerbaijan,
    some of which are Azerbaijan Science Academy members
    including father-in-law of the President who has aroun 10 WASET articles.

    They rarely in Turkey for years. Almost every week there are FAKE WASET conferences in
    different countries. They are there. Sometime in the same time there are FAKE WASET conferences
    in 3 different countries.
    While travelling the world from tens of conferences in a country to tens of in another country
    Ebru Ardil had an msc diploma (Trakya University - Turkey, computer engineering, 2009) then become a phd student,
    Bora Ardil had an msc diploma (Okan University - Turkey, computer engineering, 2013) then become a phd student,
    Fake Dr/PhD Cemal Ardil has an e-mba diploma (Beykent University - Turkey) then become a phd student.
    How could these be possible !?.... Guess the answer !....
    These are not distance learning or online diplomas (except 1 : e-mba)..

    1. Your absolutely correct... they hold fake conferences on a weekly basis and the number of articles since 2007 is simply unjustifiable. Thank you for your viable information, in the hopes future students and researchers can benefit from your story.

  10. Some of the physical addresses of WASET (2003 - ....) :
    First one : Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Computer Engineering Department, Canakkale - Turkey.
    Second one (after university fired him (Feb 2004) due to fraud) : A PO Box, Canakkale - Turkey
    Last one - 2 : A PO Box, Dubai - United Arab Emirates
    Last one - 1 : A PO Box, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico - USA
    Last one (spring 2014 - ....) : A PO Box, Riverside - Connecticut - USA

    If someone wants , s/he can easily finds faults of WASET by just looking at
    - PO box address ,
    - owners of WASET - web site - bank accounts etc.
    If someone goes to WASET conferences it is impossible NOT to see the faults there.
    If someone spends his/her money to attend a conference
    (500 euro + travel etc which sums up to 3.000 euro which is very much for poor countries),
    s/he checks all these details
    NOT to be cheated and lost his/her money.
    When university pays most of them skip these checks and prefer NOT to care any fault
    and jump to a free exotic holiday.
    So owners of 17847 articles prefer to hide facts - documents - photos
    of their experiences with WASET.

    No WASET conferences in Turkey between 2005 - mid 2013 , since they were suspicious.
    They regularly restarted to visit Turkey in mid 2013 , since they feel as lords here.
    If you visit recent conference program pages of WASET, you will see 1.000+ articles
    in conferences in around 30 countries in 3-4 months (June .. August .. September 2014).
    1.000 articles = 500.000 hot cache euro.

    1. 1 more hint : after payment , if wanted , they give hand-written FAKE receipts.

      For years they have used ten thousands of FAKE names including Einstein , Newton ,
      Tesla , Aristotales , Socrates , Euclid , Edison , Marconi , etc :-) , or
      real names without their consent in WASET website
      as editor - scientific committee member - referee etc.
      When someone objected , sometime they have kept using his/her name ,
      sometime they changed hir/her name with lots of other names.
      Most academics prefer NOT to take any action in such situations.

    2. Unbelievable... yes you are right, most of the researchers that attended the waset conferences and realize that their money got cheated, they don't take any action to notify any party because usually it is their university that is paying the fees... and prefer to take advantage of the "free holiday".
      Thank you for your comment :)

  11. i submitted my research paper yesterday and then came to know it is a fake conference.i am so tensed there is no delete option of paper please help me out what should i do now.its my effort my whole work.

  12. Well, I send them message and asked to withdraw and now status about my paper is shown as withdraw and rejected but my uploaded paper is still there. tell me what should i do now?

    1. Don`t panic. When I asked them to withdraw my paper I got my email 2 days after confirming that it was retrieved. I suggest you wait one more day.

  13. nice post Adam, I'm glad I checked google and stumbled on your blogpost and others before putting together an abstract due this week for a Waset genetics conference in Osaka (since I'm working in japan atm). I can't believe scam conferences exist, I guess I'm too naive!

    Things that raised flags during the past weeks while I was considering going to the conference:
    -I asked them 2 separate questions about abstracts and deadlines, and I got the same response (cut and paste)
    -I looked at conference proceedings for a Waset genetics conference in Oslo and presentations are not even related to the field (http://www.waset.org/conference/2014/07/oslo/ICGMB/program)
    -I asked my supervisor and 2 other colleagues if they had ever heard of this international conference, and they had no idea
    -The same Genetics and molecular biology is held in 2 consecutive months in 2 'neighboring' cities in Japan: October in Osaka and November in Kyoto

    1. Dear quint_10, thank you for your comment. I am happy and glad that this post prevented you from committing into participating in this scam conference. Hopefully you will share your experience with your colleagues/ research partners. Best of luck in your research, and hopefully you will submit your abstract to a credible conference. To help you choose your conference, there are many websites you can make use of. I suggest http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/, a search engine that lists the regional/national/international conference according to their categories. Good luck

  14. Thank you Adam for sharing this info. Much helpful.

    1. I am glad that this post benefited you. Please continue to share and follow this blog :).

    2. Thank you for your blog, I submitted my Ph.D. research paper 3 hours before and then I got your blog. Immediately I sent the request to retrieve my paper and to stop further proceeding. I'm happy that my paper was not in good condition as I may need major changes to publishing in SCI or ISI journal.
      Thank you brother.

    3. No need to thank me, it is the least I can do. I understand the hard work that goes in into preparing, writting and finally submitting a research paper. The last thing you want is that it falls in the hands of people that seek to make some money in the name of 'scientific publishers'. Best of luck.

  15. Hello, I submitted my paper (accepted). I didn't paid yet, What can I dow now, I can't delete my paper...

    1. Hello Alexandre, although you cannot delete it in your account, you can send an email as soon as possible to the administrator asking him to retrieve your paper because you are incapable of attending the conference.

  16. They also use my name without my permission as conference committee

    1. very true,also what I realized even after you retrieve your name from the conference they keep your name of the site. Here can find my name on the committees as well http://internationalscienceindex.org/Committees/Mechanical

  17. agree completely. fake conference waste of money, just back from Turkey Aug 2014 where there ere 9 presentations from all disciplines and no peer review or anything substantive.

    1. It is unfortunate.. thank you for sharing. They seem to hold many conferences in Turkey but with more awareness hopefully this fraud will continue to diminish.

  18. I attended the conference here in singapore and truly all your post are correct. It was a poorly managed conference and no professionalism at all. I was surprised that they give the certificates and the reciept of the payment at thw registration desk. And whats even surprising is that i havent paid the 500 euro registration yet. I entered the conference room and it was too small for a conference. It doesnt fit 50 people. From that i realized that this conference is really after the money. I waited for my turn presented my paper but did not pay the fee. Afterall, i spend money to fly and look for accomodation. My question is are they going to hunt me and ask for my payment?

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience. Another awful story of fraud. As for your question I doubt that they will ask you for your payment. As long as you did not share any bank account number or any other means of payments, you should be safe.

  19. I am a PhD student and, unfortunately, my collegue and I have been victim of this fake conference.
    We were looking for a conference about vaccines and vaccination and we decided to join the ICVV 2014 in Rome, the "International Conference of Vaccines and Vaccination" organized by Waset. When the congress program was available (only less than one week before the conference) we noticed that the list of abstracts and posters did not reflect the topics we were interested in and that were promoted in the flyer on Waset website. We tried many times to ask an explanation but, obviously, they didn't answered (the only way to contact them is by mail).
    After that we looked up for other conferences organized by Waset in the same period and city. What we noticed was that there were many conferences with different names and topics planned on the same day and at the same place of the ours.
    Unfortunately, we have wasted money that we would have wanted to put in our education.

  20. Good day, Sara
    Very unfortunate, it saddens me to hear such stories. Yes they organize many fake events under different names and titles at the same day everywhere around the world. Mistakes do occur, hopefully you will attend professional conferences in your field and continue to raise awareness of this spam called WASET.


  21. Same story.

    They have used names of around 100.000 academics worldwide for years without permission.
    Lots of them were aware of this, but they preferred NOT to take any action against this.
    Why ?
    Answer of this question will help to explain "yearslong" frauds of Ardil family.


    Dear Colleagues and Friends,

    I would like to alert H-Islamart members to the activities of waset.org, an organization that purports to organize academic conferences on a remarkably broad range of subjects. Discussion of these conferences and concerns about the organization's practices can be found on the following pages :

    .... (-* LINKS *-)

    In particular, my own name was included, without my knowledge or permission, as a member of a WASET scientific committee on the following webpage until my request for it to be removed was honored yesterday.

    .... (-* LINK *-)

    I have no affiliations with this organization, nor have I ever had any affiliation with them.

    Kind Regards,

    Dr. Ma'en Omoush
    Assistant Professor of Medieval Islamic Archaeology.
    Head of the Department of Archaeology.
    Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology.
    Yarmouk University- Jordan

    * https://networks.h-net.org/node/7636/discussions/16552/alert-concerning-wasetorg


    1. Thank you for this story, truly unfortunate story. I have asked them to remove my name from their organizing committee but they have yet to respond to my demand.

  22. First newspaper article in English about WASET :

    * http://ottawacitizen.com/technology/science/science-and-the-death-of-peer-review

    Tom Spears

    Ottawa Citizen (Canada)

    Published on: October 8, 2014
    Last Updated: October 24, 2014 6:07 PM EST

    Science fiction? Why the long-cherished peer-review system is under attack


    English translation of 1 of the first newspaper articles (in Turkish) about WASET :

    * http://copy-shake-paste.blogspot.com/2012/06/turkish-mock-conferences.html

    Sefa Kaplan

    Hurriyet , 12 December 2010


    1. I appreciate your comment. The Ottawa Citizen article is well written and the author shows that there is a need for a major overhaul in the peer-review system.

    2. I submitted my undergraduate full paper to WASET. And I lost my contacts and I didn't pay any fee. After few months I submitted the paper to another conference and after presenting in the conference I got to know that my abstract has been published in WASET. What can I do? I found the emails sent by waset and sent a message to withdraw my paper. They have replied that the paper is withdrawn. But it still appear in their website.

  23. Announcement by European Neural Network Society


    OCTOBER 30, 2014

    We have noticed the existence of an organisation claiming to organise the ICANN 2015 conference without any authorization from the ENNS.
    The organisation, called WASET, has a long history of “organising” thousands of conferences every year with the aim of earning money with the registration fees.
    The ENNS declines any relation with the above mentioned organisation and discourages anybody from participating to their events.

    The legit homepage for the next ICANN will be announced on this homepage.

    * http://e-nns.org/2014/10/warning-about-fake-conference-on-neural-networks/

    1. Thank you for sharing this warning by the European Neural Network Society (ENNS).

  24. Thank you very much for your useful information. I was considering attending a WASET conference!

  25. I have sent my paper to waset Conference in Singapore in 2014 but has not paid the fee. However, my paper was published in one of its journal without paying any fee. Later, when I realised that Waset is a fake/scam organisation, I asked them to withdrew my paper. They replied that they could not removed the paper anymore because someone has already downloaded my paper. Due to this, I cannot publish my paper elsewhere. My dilemma is:

    1-There is no ISSN number for the journal that my paper was published - i.e.International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering. Without the ISSN number, I cannot include my paper in my CV.
    2-I don't have the email address of the person in charge of Waset to ask further questions. If you have, please let me know.

    thanks, waiting for your reply.

    1. Good day,
      Since there is no actual ISSN number for the journals of WASET, it should not be a problem to submit elsewhere. Now as for them not accepting to retrieve the article from the website, don't bother yourself too much with that, as long as you find another reliable conference that will accept your paper.
      It is normal that you don't find an email address to ask further questions, the whole system is a fraud and they don't want to expose themselves.

      Best of luck in finding another conference that you can trust :)

  26. WASET conferences are fake and garbage. They publish fake SCIgen papers easily. Try yourself to send them bogus SCIgen texts. Do not send anything to WASET bastards. They are criminals and money hungry thugs.

  27. Although my article was accepted by the Waset within 2 days after submitting, I did not pay the fee and participate in the conference, because I read several website including this page. Thank you very much everyone. But, I visited the venue to check the situation in Thailand on 18th - 19th December.

    The Waset's "international conference" was held at the small floor of Amari Hotel, in which there was no guide plate and flag with conference name in the hotel including the floor. Therefore it was difficult for me to find the conference hall and reception. It was like Intentionally hidden meeting.

    Finally, I confirmed the conference with a receptionist. There were several participants in the floor in front of the reception, but they went to somewhere without participation in the ongoing session.

    This was first time for me to see the conference without any notice board in the venue.

  28. Hi. I am a faculty member, trained from the US in engineering science and presently based outside US for about five years. I understand that the honesty we expect in US is often not found elsewhere, but we should not discredit good things happening elsewhere. I respect the views of Adam but do not agree with him or majority of people in this thread. We are scholars/researchers and should not use our personal prejudice or hatred to malign an organization. WASET organization and WASET conferences are not fake, at least in my experience. They may be a small budget organizers from a non-Western country, their conferences may be prolific (which I do object) and low-profile, but their events are legitimate and do take place. Peer review may be a bit lax (which is true for most foreign journals/conferences), but it does take place (they do similar fuss like IEEE and you have to format your paper as per an IEEE template) and papers are published. They are similar to IEEE (in my recent experience of attending an IEEE conference I had worst experience than WASET, my paper has not been published till date!). I attended a WASET conference a few years ago and submitted paper for another one recently, no money was stolen ever (maybe in some case it might have been lost I am sorry to learn that, but no one else has ever said that), there was a legitimate conference at a reasonably well-reputed hotel in a developed country, proceedings were published (in fact I picked up from the venue their previous proceeding booklets and they had some valuable papers to add to my knowledge. I discovered that the WASET publishers have been a well-reputed publishing house for many many years (more than 70 volumes are published and indexed by ISI), their current administration may have been working on commercial basis, but the academy is a legitimate organization and the group is not dishonest).
    HS, PhD

    1. Good day,
      first and foremost it is good to hear a defending side. Unfortunately you are the first to defend WASET and so I cannot relate to your side that much.

    2. My dear "anonymous" Just check the ISI stands for what in WASET, You will be clear then.


    3. If a real one defends a good thing , it does not hide its name ,
      and shows its proofs.
      For example : it shows images of WASET's owners - building - employees ;
      no one could see any of these yet since 2003 ;
      only fraudster Ardil family from Turkey ( FAKE Dr/PhD Cemal Ardil and his daughter Ebru Ardil and his son Bora Ardil : owners of WASET ) could have seen only at WASET fake conference places ;
      some did not know who they are : sometime they were anonymous or used fake names.
      no one could talk by phone to them yet.
      no one could talk by phone to no one from WASET yet.

    4. Thank you Adam for your blogspot
      Really in my case and during the filling out my visa application the embassy asked me about a contact person in US. Therefore, i sent a message to WASET to ask them a telephone number and an email to write them in the visa application. They answared me that they are not a local orgnization in US and they can not help me.

  29. Slots conferences concern Brazilian scientists

    Registration is open, with fees up to € 450 for 116 simultaneous scientific meetings in February 2016 in Rio de Janeiro. This kind of event is known as "scam conferences" abroad. Organized without academic care, they are identified as fraudulent by research institutions from other countries.

    These 116 scam conferences are organized by Waset (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology). Despite its name, it is a publisher. Although discloses be located in Riverside (Connecticut, US), its phone contact is from the United Arab Emirates. And besides invalid, the records of their magazines are from Turkey, according to the numerical international registration ISSN journals.

    While abroad Waset is pointed in alerts for researchers not participate in their conferences or publish in their journals (and in the list of predatory publishers of Jeffrey Beall), in Brazil this publisher appears in the selection based on quality criteria made by CAPES, agency of the Ministry of Education.

    http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ciencia/2015/03/1597163-eventos-cientificos-caca-niqueis-preocupam-cientistas-brasileiros.shtml (in Portuguese)

    1. Thank you Mauricio for your valuable comment.

    2. Thank you Adam. The text above is not a comment, but the beginning of my report published this Tuesday in Folha de S. Paulo, the largest Brazilian daily newspaper.

    3. My apologizes I did not notice the link. Thank you once again :)

    4. Brazilian Government recommends mock conference

      by Debora Weber-Wulff

      Saturday, April 4, 2015, 9:34 AM
      Labels: Brazil, mock conference, predatory publishing

      * http://copy-shake-paste.blogspot.com.tr/2015/04/brazilian-government-recommends-mock.html

      see comments , too :

    5. Full text English translation of this news which is originally in Portuguese is here
      ( see comment by Tansu KUCUKONCU , PhD , July 9, 2015 at 6:20 AM ) :

      * http://scholarlyoa.com/2014/08/28/predatory-publisher-organizes-conference-using-same-name-as-legitimate-conference/

  30. Announcement by University of Toronto

    Fake Conference Advertisement

    It has come to our attention that a false event (ICCSET) has been advertised as taking place at Chestnut Residence on June 15 and 16, 2015. A notice about this scam advisory has been placed on Chestnut’s Official Website at this link.

    The website in question, waset.org, appears to be fake, although very elaborate in nature. The scam targets academics internationally, gathering papers, fees, registration information, and potentially other personal information.

    ITS has identified 86 more websites hosted on the same IP address, and they all appear to be associated with academics in one fashion or another. At this time, it is unclear if all the aforementioned websites are malicious in nature.

    What can you do about this?
    ITS asks all IT professionals to please inform faculty about this (and similar) scams. Although this scam does not appear to be new, it does not seem to have the visibility amongst its potential victims that it should.

    * http://main.its.utoronto.ca/news/fake-conference-advertisement/

  31. My friend recommended a conference to apply and while I was trying to attend a WASET conference, I suddenly decide to search about it. Why I did it, I dont know but I think I am a good person and god kept me :) I searched about WASET and found many comments like yours on web. Thank you but I have one question. I sent them my abstract paper, thanks God I didnot send the full paper but how I can get back my abstract. They wrote me on the program. I want them to delete my information.

    1. Good day, thank you for your comment and very well done that you searched the conference before attending or making any commitments. As for your name on their website, I don't know if they will ever remove, but this should not cause any disturbance in the future for you.

  32. Notice: a fake ICGG

    Dear Colleagues,

    We would like to draw your attention to an immense academic fraud that is going on. An organization called WASET www.waset.org pretends to organize an impressive number of scientific conferences.

    However, there is evidence these conferences are not really what they are supposed to be.

    Just as an example, they are pretending to organize the 13th International Conference on Gas Geochemistry, in Bangkok in 2015 https://www.waset.org/conference/2015/12/bangkok/ICGG . They also produced a Conference flyer by collating information from the website of the previous real ICGGs. The real 13th ICGG will actually be organized in Chengdu, China by Dr. Yunpeng Wang from Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015, as a follow-up of the 12th ICGG that was held in Patras, Greece. The website of ICGG 13 is http://conf13.ic-gg.org.

    Probably most of the conferences advertised on the WASET website are in the same situation. By browsing the internet, you can find many complaints of scientists that paid a registration fee to a WASET conference that never happened, and have lost their money.

    It is most likely that the Committee members that are listed on the WASET conferences websites are not aware of this. As an example, I was looking for a person named Zsuzsanna Libor from Cranfield University, included in the Conference Committee of the fake ICGG13. It seems this person has no interest in gas geochemistry, and it is not clear if she still is with Cranfield University. If you search on Google “zsuzsanna libor waset”, you will find at least 20 WASET “conferences” that are listing her as a Committee member.

    The scientific community should be warned about this practice, in order to avoid any inconvenience related to this.

    The International Scientific Committee of ICGG
    The local organization committee of ICGG 13

    * http://conf13.ic-gg.org/dct/page/70003

    1. Thank you for your comment I am sure it will help others.

  33. May 25th, 2015
    It is the same problem with me too. Thanks but I already sent my abstract as well as full paper, immd they asked to go for registration then I got doubted and came to know about the fake problem. Now I have been trying to withdraw my paper but mails are now coming back as undelivered. The abstract now appeared. I want them to delete, how I can go about.

  34. Please note:
    We have noticed there are a number of ICTTP conference sites,
    most are said to be organised by WASET.
    These are fake conferences.

    Only the Brisbane 2016 conference is the next,
    legitimate ICTTP conference.
    Please ignore all others!

    * http://icttp2016.com

  35. Announcement by International Association for Hydrogen Safety

    Beware of fake ICHS!

    It has been brought to our attention that some dubious organisation called WASET organizes a conference in London in January 2015 that is called “ICHS 2015″, “International Conference on Hydrogen Safety”.
    Please take note that this event has nothing to do with HySafe or with the real ICHS® series of bi-annual conferences owned and organized by HySafe since 2005.
    It appears to be a fraudulent effort directly violating international copyright law.
    The list of conference topics is a copy from the last ICHS® held in September 2013 in Brussels.
    At the same time, the posted conference program has no relevance to hydrogen safety whatsoever.

    The next ICHS® will be held in October 2015 in Japan. Please look up the website of the real ICHS® for accurate information. You will find it here:

    ICHS 2015 : http://ichs2015.com/

    International Conference on Hydrogen Safety® is registered trademark of the International Association for Hydrogen Safety, HySafe.
    Every abuse will be prosecuted.

    Posted on November 18, 2014

    * www.hysafe.info/?p=1027

  36. I have sent an abstract of a research paper to 'ICHFE 2015 : 17th International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics' organized by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), which is scheduled to be held on 6 -7 August, 2015 at Amsterdam in NH Naarden Hotel, IJsselmeerweg 3 1411 AA Naarden, The Netherlands, Tel: ++31 (0)35 695 15 14. The paper has been accepted and they had sent me the invitation letter. During searching about the WASET I have found your blog and came to know about the organization. I have not yet sent the registration fee. I have decided not to go to Amsterdam to become a fool. Thank you very much for your information in your blog.

    1. Good day, I am glad I was able to help. Please keep on sharing.

  37. First newspaper article in Dutch about WASET :

    Short version :
    * http://www.volkskrant.nl/wetenschap/academische-nepcongressen-blijken-lucratieve-groeimarkt~a4094171/

    Academische nepcongressen blijken lucratieve groeimarkt
    ( = Academic fake conferences prove lucrative growth market )

    Denken dat je een ticket boekt voor een topcongres, om te belanden in een klein zaaltje met amper vakgenoten. Deze vorm van misleiding van wetenschappers is de laatste jaren wereldwijd toegenomen, blijkt uit onderzoek van de Volkskrant.
    ( = Thinking that you book a ticket for a summit conference to end up in a small room with barely colleagues. This form of deception by scientists increased in recent years worldwide , according to research by the Volkskrant. )

    Richard De Boer ,
    de Volkskrant (Netherlands) , 4 july 2015, 02:00

    some quotations (google translate) :
    Organizers of such dummy conferences advertise in many cases the name of a 'real' scientific conference. Easy prey to the deceptive recruitment activities are often young postgraduates seeking an international stage for their research.

    Opined teacher researcher Jaco van den Dool from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam to travel to Dubai for a presentation at a conference on music psychology.
    "Only after my airfare, hotel and conference paid , I discovered that it appeared to be a totally different meeting to be without head or tail,"
    says Van den Dool.
    "Most of the presentations were of a deplorable level and really had nothing to do with my profession."


    The organization is now considering legal action against Waset , a spokesman says.
    "But that requires an address where we can send the legal papers to go, and the address of Waset is not easy to figure out."

    Also in the Netherlands

    Unscrupulous operators of scientific conferences are also active in the Netherlands. For example, the NH Naarden Hotel has been doing for several years as a venue for Waset conferences in the Netherlands.
    Employees of Waset which there were recently addressed at a conference by the Volkskrant ,
    no bleaching contact a responsible unable or unwilling to give. Also in question by e-mail is not Waset .

    According Jocalyn Clark , editor of medical journals PLOS Medicine and BMJ, research institutions and their funders are still largely unaware of the magnitude of the problem. "This problem is growing , .... "

    Waset is one of the dominant parties in this growth market and, according to Turkish whistleblowers run by the shadowy physics teacher Ardil Cemal and his family.
    He started in 2007 with one conference per month , but now organizes more than a hundred conferences each year.
    There go to millions . Participants pay between 350 and 500 dollars registration fee.



    Long version :
    * http://www.volkskrant.nl/wetenschap/welkom-in-de-wereld-van-nepwetenschap~a4093977/

    Richard De Boer ,
    de Volkskrant (Netherlands) , 4 july 2015

    Topcongres! (Fopcongres)
    ( = Fake conferences ( Dummy conferences ) )

    Wetenschappers moeten zich profileren, en daar spelen oplichters handig op in. Welkom in de wonderlijke wereld van de nepconferenties en dubieuze publicaties.
    ( = Scientists should present themselves , and play crooks handy on that. Welcome to the wonderful world of fake conferences and dubious publications. )


  38. I have submitted my article on WASET, I was in hurry as I can just attend any conference in August and I found ICHIHIM 2015 : 17th International Conference on Health Informatics and Health Information Management that is going to be held at Venice , Italy on August, 13-14, 2015. I have submitted my abstract 30th June 2015 that was the last date for submission. After few hour I found that WASET is fake so I emailed them that I can't attend the conference because of financial reasons so kindly delete my abstract before any decision. 2 days later they responded me and said your email is of no longer use. and today they have published my Abstract on website.
    Tell me what to do in this case? Can I send my article for publication some where with same title ?

    1. Good day, well this is unfortunate that you send your paper to WASET and you should still consider sending your paper to another conference and if they ever ask you why it appears in another journal, you will justify it by declaring that WASET is a fake and you requested that your paper be removed from their database. Good luck

    2. Thank you very much Adam Chehouri for your guidance . .
      One thing more I like to ask: may I present my abstract in another conference with the same title or may I have to modify my abstract title ?

    3. If it were to me I would keep the title and abstract unless I advised otherwise by the organizing committee of the conference.

    4. Thank you very much :)
      Stay Blessed !

    5. Same thing happened to me. I knew that my abstract is published in WASET only after presenting in a conference. I requested WASET to remove my abstract immediately. What will happen to the real conference proceedings. Can I publish the full paper in a journal with the same name and abstract?

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Dear Adam,

    Thank you so much. I just about to submit paper to this fake organisation.

    1. My pleasure, glad my post saved you at the last minute !

  42. dear adam ;
    I still didnt pay the registeration fees ; what made me have a concern that i had some questions in my visa to conference in london and i cant find answers wether in the invitation letter nor in the site. Are they a fake organization ? No conferences in these dates nor countries? please advice what should i do?

    1. My advice to you is that you do not attend the conference. Yes it is a fake organization with no credentials whatsoever. Find yourself another conference.

  43. Hi Adam

    Its fake, its just stealing the money, nothing else. I fell into its trap last year. VISA to Spain was also rejected.

    The motherfucker just stole my money and work that I did. Stay away from this pussy.

    I will be happy if more people come out and boycott such fake conferences.

  44. Hi all,
    Did they use your name and affiliation as part of their "International Scientific Committees"? Because I saw mine in several conferences, which are completely irrelevant to my expertise field. I sent an e-mail asking to remove my name but it is still there.

    1. yes they used my name, I sent them an email and obviously they did not reply back. Just ignore them.

  45. Dear Adam!

    Thank you so much for this post. I submitted my abstract to Waset's ICE 2017: "International Conference on Education". I have heard a lot about fake conferences, but did not think that I would be fooled so easily myself! The website looks so trustworthy. I became suspicious when my abstact got accepted in just 2 days and there weren't any contacts listed in the invitation letter. I should have looked for this conference sooner. Feel so stupid now! My question is how to remove my account and abstract? I wrote them with no success. And I provided genuine information about myself and my research. Will I be able to submit this research to respectable conferences or is it all ruined now?


    1. Good day,

      there is nothing much you can do about the abstract. Just ignore them, ask them to remove you from the conference, they will not remove your name from the database. That's fine. If I were you I would start searching for another respectable conference. Good luck :)

  46. Greetings,
    Unfortunately I have sent mu novel full text article to them and it's been a week they are answering my messages. As I read in the previous comments, seems that there is no way of getting back the article. I will sent them a withdrawal request.
    Do you think they are gonna steal my article or they are just looking for money?
    Is there a way to destroy the profile which I made in the site?
    Looking forward for your reply.

    1. Hello Neda,

      I do not think they will steal your paper. Yes they are looking for money and I do not think there is a way to destroy your profile but you should not worry about that. Just make sure you don't pay any fee and resubmit your paper somewhere else.

      Good luck :)

    2. Thank you for all your concern.

  47. I participated in the conference 2 years ago and now my article has been published by waset. your post has made me realized that waset is just a scam. I also just realized that my published article has little relation with my current study and i want my article deleted from it's website especially from google search engine. what should i do to overcome this problem?

    1. good day,

      Unfortunately, I think it is too late to remove the article once it has been published. Even if you try to communicate with them, I do not believe that they will respond.

      Keep me posted on what happens,


  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Hi Adam,
    Just a quick question: if I have submitted the abstract of my paper to one of WASET conferences but I do not attend it and do not present my paper there, is it still possible to submit the same paper to a journal or other conferences? Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi Juanda,
      well great question. Here is my suggestion to you seeing WASET is a fake conference. When you do go ahead and submit your paper to a recognized conference, mention that you attempted to remove your paper from WASET after you came to a realization that is was a spam.

      Best of luck and let me know what happens !

  50. Hello Adam, if only I had seen your blog before... I applied and pay the conference fee just to come to realize about this. I am very dissapointed not only for someone carrying out these practices, but also because no one ever make me aware of the possibility of fake conferences and frauds. I removed my paper and I sent an email requesting them to remove my abstract (since I cant do it for myself) and the refund... which I see unlikely but not harm in asking. I think we as PhDs should make it public in the university to help other not to fall in the trap. Thank you for your blog, at least I see the truth.

    1. Hey Mag,

      sorry for the late response. It is unfortunate that this is still going on, there are people out there who consider themselves as scholars, but deserve to be behind bars really. I hope they will refund you and you should definitely submit your paper at a conference with known credentials.

      Best of luck dear,

    2. Dear Adam,

      Just want to ask, how could they can provide picture of their recent conferences if the conferences doesnt exist? Please do check their conference photos for legitimacy!! I am a little bit confused of this blog and their conference photos..


    3. Actually, the conferences 'exist' (at least I've been at one). But we have to clarify what they mean for 'conference'.
      They program 30-40 conferences (sometimes more than 100) during the same day (or 2 days), and make them all in the same room.
      Indeed, for every conference just 1 or 2 people submit a paper or an abstract (just people like me, who didn't search for waset on google before submitting!).
      So, if you can define 'conference' a room where a sociologist makes a presentation right before a rheologist, after which an economist has a speech, and then a musician, well, they make great conferences (one in sociology, one in rheology, one in economy, one in music). But, you see: that's not a conference.

  51. We just fell victim to the WASET scam and started blogging about our experience at http://wasetwatch.wordpress.com/

    What's puzzling us is, as this scam is so well known, why are they still getting away with it in countries around the world.

    We logged a crime report, but we have low expectations of it accomplishing anything.


  52. We just fell victim to the WASET scam and started blogging about our experience at http://wasetwatch.wordpress.com/

    What's puzzling us is, as this scam is so well known, why are they still getting away with it in countries around the world.

    We logged a crime report, but we have low expectations of it accomplishing anything.


    1. Thanks for sharing. Sad to hear this is still happening right now. Good job on the crime report, I wish you all the best of luck with that.

  53. I was also a victim of WASET. I send my paper for ICMME 2017 : 19th International Conference on Metallurgical and Materials Engineering on February, 16-17, 2017 at London, United Kingdom organised by WASET. But luckily I gone through blog and I realised that it just a scam, so I did not registered for the same. But now I get amazed to see my article online, though I did not sign or give them any copyright from and I dont give them any money for registration. So, how my article is come online by WASET without my concern, I am unable to understand. can any one suggest me how can I take legal action against them, and is it possible to publish this same article somewhere else, in some other good journal ? Here I want to mentioned that I did not sign any copyright for, so I think they dont have any authority to my paper. the paper was showing online as it is, which I send for review, so I dont have any idea what to do.

    1. Hello Subhankar, the same occurred with me when I found out it was a spam. I did not pay the registration and told them to retract my paper from their online system. However, they kept it, so my advice to you is to not bother too much about it and move on.

    2. No, no. Do not send it

  54. Hello Adam and everyone, just to make you aware of how I punched waset back at least a little bit.
    Because I made payment trough the University purchase system they were able to cancel the payment. Which was done thanks to the fact that I kept record of the emails (messages in the waset website) where I asked them to confirm whether they were planing fake conferences to whcih they never confirmed or contradict such accusations. I also included pictures about the event I was supposed to go, where you could see (if you looked carefully, like a proper role in "Taken" the movie) pictures from past events used as the event dated as 2017. After a month I got my money back. As I feel the need to warn other people including authorities I reported them as a fraudulent organization operating online through "actionfraud. police.uk" I dont thing this will escalate more but the idea was to have record of reporting this since waset have my name and my abstract. Hope you find this useful. All the best to everyone :)

    1. Hello Mag :)
      How nice of you to share this story... Amazing stuff you did there !
      It is unfortunate that you had to go through all of this effort to get your money back, I wish they would be banned so as to put an end to all of this nonsense.

      Once again, thanks for sharing your story !

    2. Is not that I had more time to wast with them but I was very upset because that was my only remaining money from my research budget. I wish this ends, but sadly like any other criminal organization they will just change the name and move office somewhere else and they will keep doing what they do. All the best and thanks for your blog Adam :)

    3. Oh that is really unfortunate to hear that end of the story. It is a sad reality how criminals with no ethics whatsoever will try any means possible to make money, even out of scholars and young researchers. I hope this blog posts continues to serve the purpose of warning others against this awful organisation by the name of WASET.

  55. I was also a victim of WASET. I send my full paper. But luckily I gone through blog and I realised that it just a scam. But now I get amazed to see my article online (in google scolar in the submitted form), I send them email to withdraw my article, and they withdrawn (the status was changed to reject in the submission page) but when I make a research in google Scholar I find the same version with PDF form. Is it possible to publish this same article somewhere else, in some other good journal since it represents all my researches? If yes, what changes do I have to make?

    1. Hello, really good question.

      There should be a way to submit it somewhere else. My first paper was accepted at WASET and I managed to publish it in another journal. So give it a try !

    2. Hello, i am in the same situation than IVAN78. Now i wanted to reject the paper but it is also available online. I am trying my best to change, at least to ask them to change to just the abstract, but i don't get any answer from them. Please, how can i submit in another journal? im desperate, please say to me how to do it... should i contact first the new ISI journal and explain the situation or ... what should i do? thank you very much for your help. Its incredible this danger people still atack after 7 years! o couldnt believe it :( :(

    3. I am so sorry to be as in my case, but fortunately there is a solution and hope: first you must withdraw your article first and ask them to delete all your submitted versions either PDFs or Word. After you confirm that all submitted pages are deleted, use google webmaster demand to delete the cached version of your article using the following link: https://support.google.com/websearch/troubleshooter/3111061?rd=1#ts=2889054%2C2889060
      You should know that this step can't be done till all your versions were removed from their site.
      After making this demand to google webmaster, all the cached versions will be hide from google in 1 day.
      Good luck

    4. Great solution, thanks for sharing :)

  56. I am the latest victim of WASET.

    I was looking for a conference in my field which I found one organized by Waset called the 19th International Conference in xxx. When the final conference program was available about 4 days before the conference I noticed that there is absolutely no paper in my field. Then I started searching and figured out what WASET is really like.

    As everything was too late, I actually went to the conference. There was actually a conference, however, in my session, everyone was talking about something else. I mean I think at least those people there (about 10) could have gained a bit benefit because they were lucky they shared the same topic while there was no one in my field. Those people there would probably just rate WASET conference as "low quality" but definitely not scam, while it is definitely a scam for me. If they are honest they should have told me that there is now no researcher in my field can attend the conference and that they would refund me and advise me not to come to the conference.

    What we should ask ourselves is what we should do to prevent researchers to fall in for this trap. The reason I fell for this was because I never heard of 'predatory' conferences before. And that their process is now very similar to legitimate conferences, i.e. waited 1-2 weeks before sending abstract acceptance, made some minor comments for change with the paper, conference program is not available until few days before the conference.

    So at the very best, WASET conferences, for some, are "low quality" conference, but for some, are scam. It's hard for police to take any action. I learned a lesson the hard way so I will work hard to try to educate young researchers about this trap.

    1. Hello, it is too bad you had to go through that experience. Hopefully future researchers will read this blog and your story and take better precautions.

    2. Hello Mr Adam

      I have submitted my full text on WASET, when I found that WASET is fake so I emailed them that I can't attend the conference, delete my paper .i receive mail from Mail Delivery System.
      Tell me what to do in this case? Can I send my article for publication some where with same title.
      Thank you

    3. Hello Abbess, no need to panic. Communicate with them and request them to remove your publication. If you did not pay the conference fee, let them know you are unable to attend anymore. And yes you can resubmit somewhere else.

      Best of luck.

  57. WASET, publishes names of people who have attended a previous conference to deceive others. so don't be deceived

  58. Hi Adam

    My name is used in conference scientific committee (without my consent). Do you have any contact email of them that I can formally ask them to remove my name from their list? If yes, please reply here.

    1. Hello Priyesh,

      unfortunately I do not have an email to share with you. Sorry to hear about that.

  59. Helo Adam!
    I have submitted my paper in WASET, then I came to know that its fake conference, so I decided not to attend the conference and submitted my paper to other IEEE conference. Now this paper accepted and it is going to be held on 4-04-2018 but WASET has published my paper online without my permission and now they are not willing to with draw it.
    What should I do now? Should I attend the IEEE conference or it will create problem for me?

    1. It should not be a problem to attend another conference. I think if you submit a letter to WASET asking them to retrieve your paper, that letter should serve as a proof if at any point of time IEEE or any other proceeding asks you about WASET.

      Too bad to hear about this, but so many other cases like yourself because of a fraudulent and unlawful group named WASET.

  60. Hi Adam,

    I submitted my paper three days ago and paid the fees. I send them a massage throw their massage system asked them to withdraw my paper. Is this enough. do you think they will publish it even if I asked them for withdrawing. Thanks

    1. Hello, I am sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, you paid the fee, I don't trust them that they will refund you. However, it does not hurt to give it a try. As for withdrawing the paper, you have to keep pushing as much as you can. Start focusing on the next journal you wish to submit it to.
      Good luck

  61. Hi Adam
    I submitted my paper abstract with WASET and it was accepted in no time. Conference is on 25,26 June 2018, in Paris. Although I have not paid the registration fee but I have booked my air tickets and several train tickets to visit other adjacent countries which are non refundable. I have got Schengen tourist visa. If I withdraw my paper from WASET can I still visit France and other adjacent countries on that Visa. My wife and two children are also travelling with me.
    On same dates there is another conference: ISER- 386th International Conference on Science, Health and Medicine (ICSHM). Is that okay?
    I can still withdraw my abstract from WASET and resend it to ISER.
    Please advise

    1. Hello, I am really sorry for your situation. I cannot tell you what to do with regards to your family and the vacation you wish to spend. But I do suggest that you do not attend the conference, and use the time, if applicable to the ISER, to attend a more creditable conference.

  62. In February 2018 I submitted my paper to them. After they changed the submission date on 4 occasion I realised that is something wrong. Despite my continuous trial to contact them , each time I received a template message that they can change the data as many time is necessary. After I send a message querying to delete my data and cancel my attendance, WASET replied and said that they will take legal action because it is an unfair accusation. Which is more weird is that my message was only mentioning that their conference is listed on so may websites as a scam conference. They breach any rules by restricting access to my data and my access to request deletion. Today I found out that they blocked me and can't access my account on WASET. However I saved everything beforehand and took loads of print screens as proof.
    I will definitely report this case to Information Commissioner Office.
    They do it on a such large scale and happy that the Research Cohort take the time to publish about it. Thank you all for sharing your experiences, was very helpful.

    1. I am really sorry for your experience with WASET. As you can see from the previous comments, you are not alone ! I salute you for your efforts and your fight against this scam by the name of WASET.
      Keep us informed of what goes down.


  63. Hi Adam,

    I am still trying to get my money back but they sent the bank an attendance letter which is fake because I did't attend the conference (the certificate letter was already in their website since I registered). I don't think that withdraw my paper Can I still submit the paper to another journal.

    1. Hello, I was asked about this question many times now. In my opinion, I don't think resubmitting the paper should be a problem.

      Good luck !

  64. I have a question. I have to sent then copy of first page od my ID card . I did not know that conference is fake. Should I do something with that? I afraid that they use my document without my agreement.

    1. Be sure to not reply to them anymore and I would suggest you never share your personal ID with anyone on the internet anymore.

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  66. This is fascinating. Today, I was looking for the date of a GIS/geospatial conference in Cape Town that is just taking place now. I did not have the exact name, so ... I googled. Found the conference, but also another one, scheduled in November: "ICCMGIS 2018 : 20th International Conference on Collaborative Mapping and GIS". But the link did not work ("server overloaded" ? first time I see that one).

    So I went to waset.org and saw a page with over 150 conferences for this and next year ??? All over the globe ??? All sorts of topics ...

    I searched the page for "Cape Town" clicked the link (labeled "Cape Town 2018 Conference"). That expands to no less than 50 different subjects. None of them having to do with GIS ... I clicked the link for "Geotechnical and Geological Engineering". That brings up a page with ... 21 conferences. All possibly related. All taking place at the same time and same place. Other subjects ( I tried "Computer and Information Engineering") also bring up long lists of conferences ...

    Then I searched for waset, and came about your blog. I can't say what amazes me most. The creativity of those scammers ? Or the idea that nobody would notice that running like 500 conferences on totally different topics at the same place and same time - is highly suspicious.

    I am also surprised that those guys are still in business, and are still scamming people, given that your blog dates from 2014.

    As I understand they are based in Turkey ? I imagine they will just go on until someone files a formal complaint with Turkish police ...


    1. Something I also noticed. I looked at one their conferences ("ICGPMASDM 2018 : 20th International Conference on Geospatial Predictive Modeling Applications and Spatial Data Mining") taking place (?) next week in Lisbon (along with 50 others :-).

      They publish the list of accepted papers ("selected conference papers"). I looked at one of them - and lo and behold, the full paper is there. But that paper was published (according to the title) in 2015.

      And where was it published ? In none other than the prestigious "World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Civil and Architectural Engineering Vol:9, No:6, 2015" :-)

      But that is a real academic article, published by real people - in this case researchers from the Czech Technical University of Prague. Did the unfortunate authors really submit the paper to this scam ? Or did the scammers just lift it from some public conference / academic site ?

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  68. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ras_VYgA77Q

  69. WASET is a fake. I share the same experiences as much as you do.

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  74. I didn't know that the WASET is a scam. I submitted only my abstract and got accepted. Now I don't want to proceed further. Is it ok ? or I need to write them to remove my profile and abstract.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  79. Hi Guys, I can attest that WASET IS NOT FAKE!!! It isnt fake at all! I was with WASET international conference in New York City last April 2019. We are many participants all around the world who attended the conference in dicided in any field of research expertise. Just follow the process step by step and you will be headed by your destination with clear mind and focus.. Sometimes we are always lead by what negative comments we read here but for me it IS NOT FAKE since i was one of the ORAL PRESENTER IN NYC held last April 2019 in Hotel Pensylvannia.

  80. For those who wanted proof send me your email or fb account i cand send my pics and vedios for the conference proceedings which i attended last April 2019 before pandemic. All i can say ia that WASET is not fake!!

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  83. I don't know what to believe, but in May 2015, I attended a WASET conference o Music and Consciousness at Dubai, and so many people participated. We were given certificate as well. So I can categorically say that WASET is not fake.

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